Monday, October 31, 2011

Kale chips

I have been reading rave reviews all over the internet for kale chips. I have tried kale before, in salads, and I truly don't mind it. I like it only because it is so good for you, but it's definitely not something I crave. Now I can officially say that I crave kale chips! They're such a great flavor and a great replacement for potato chips (I like them even better!) and other salty, not-so-nutritious things. I may even try them crushed as a topping for popcorn, because I apparently love to do that (click here to share in my popcorn crazy).

Probably one of the most simple snacks to make, kale chips are just bits of kale torn into bite-sized pieces, sprinkled with olive oil and salt, and baked for 5-10 minutes at 300 degrees. You want them to be crispy but not brown. So easy!

1 comment:

  1. So funny I'm obsessed with them myself!!! I had them last summer and loved them but then I stopped making them for a while. I made a few batches again this past weekend and they were better than ever :) xoxo


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