Sunday, December 18, 2011

Spa Sunday

In the middle of a very hectic weekend right now, thought I'd recuperate by enjoying a bit of a spa day. I wanted to make a hair mask, a face mask, and a hand and foot scrub. When they were all mixed, I ended up with three suspiciously similar-looking, oddly-yellow creations.

For my hair: suspicious yellow mixture #1.

A hair mask from here.

Mix 1/2 cup honey, 1 egg yolk, and 1 tbsp olive oil. Work into damp hair and let sit for 20 minutes under an old towel or shower cap. Rinse with cold water to avoid cooking the egg.

My hair was nice and shiny after this, but the scent was a bit of a turnoff until I shampooed. 

For my face: suspicious yellow mixture #2.

A home microdermabrasion from here.

Mix 1 tbsp orange juice and 1 tbsp baking soda and spread on face. Leave on for 20 minutes then scrub with damp fingers to exfoliate and remove.

This one made my skin super soft and smooth!

Plus, this is another one of my favorite face mask recipes:

For my hands and feet: suspicious yellow mixture #3.

My own recipe:
2 tbsp butter (softened)
2 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
Mix together and rub on hands and feet. Rinse, and enjoy super soft skin!


  1. i'll have to give these a whirl! thanks!

  2. I did a series of hair masques you might wanna chck out, I'm doing facial masks this winter,


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